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Chamber Works


for bass clarinet and marimba


Composed for and recorded by Transient Canvas.


Composed for and recorded by Hinge ensemble during their 2020  (virtual) Composition Residency at the University of Georgia Hugh Hodgson School of Music.
Hinge Ensemble is:
Philipp Stäudlin - saxophone
Dan VanHassel - electric guitar
Matt Sharrock - percussion
Keith Kirchoff - piano

Naturalization: Collective Identity

​Collective Identity is the second piece of the Naturalization cycle. This piece expresses my feelings and confusion about the process of being an Iranian-American and how the immigration process and cultural shock have affected my life as a composer and social activist. Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to foreigners, and I started this process in 2018. I always thought that Naturalization would be just some paperwork, and that citizenship or a passport has nothing to do with who I am as a person! However, I am going through a very confusing period where I cannot simply define my identity. The best way to express my confusion about the whole process of being "American" is by writing several pieces about it. This trio focuses on my collective identity, and how my Iranian side incorporates with my new American side, and how my Iranian background dominates my musical language.


Sonic Apracity and Clare Longendyke premiered this piece at Chiesa della Maddalena, Alba, Italy during the Alba Music Festival Wet Ink Concert.

Naturalization: The Dual Identity

Naturalization is a collection of musical works about my experience as an immigrant in the United States. It explores individual viewpoints on cultural changes and shocks, and the emotions that come with them. The first piece, The Dual Identity, focuses on my new identity as a composer and how I'm incorporating new sounds and techniques. It starts with a dance-like rhythm, but the clear pattern quickly fades away, emphasizing that it's okay to feel uncomfortable.

Naturalization, Longing for Homeland

"Naturalization" is a musical composition that portrays my experience as a refugee and immigrant in the United States. Each instrument has a different role in this piece. The voice represents my old sound, the flute represents my current state, and the electronics represent a combination of the old and transitional sound, an echo of both sounds, and a possible future sound.


I collaborated with Dr. Krista Capps, an Ecology professor at the University of Georgia, to create a musical piece called "Mesoamerican". During our conversation, Dr. Capps shared with me her most joyful moment at work - when she goes into the Mesoamerican river in Mexico and feels her heart beat in sync with the flow of water. She also mentioned that when she dives underwater, she can hear her heart beat, which is an incredibly beautiful and peaceful experience. However, she is worried about the future of the river and wonders if it will become too polluted for anyone to swim in, including her son. I was inspired by this moment and wanted to capture it in music.


Badie Kaleghian's "Hope" for cello, violin, and piano is performed here by Crossing Borders Music cellist Tom Clowes, violinist Jennifer Leckie, and pianist Marianne Parker. Khaleghian is a composer and multimedia artist interested in collaborative and innovative storytelling projects to ignite imaginations, conversations, and experiences. He creates performances embracing the intersection of art, cultures, science, technology, and people. This performance was part of Crossing Borders Music's 2022 Program "Ten Years of 'Celebrating Resilience: Music by Iranian Bahá'ís'," featuring the music of the music and stories of Bahá’í composers from Iran.

Sax Quartet No. 1

Erik Elmgren, Soprano Saxophone

Megan Elks, Alto Saxophone

Dan Phipps, Tenor Saxophone

Harrison Clarke, Baritone Saxophone

Ode To Indignation

Ode to Indignation, for Pierrot Ensemble, performed by Rote Hund Musik. Conductor: Jonathan Poquette. Dedicated to the Baha'is in Iran who suffer terrible injustice, and will not be forgotten.

© 2024 by Badie Khaleghian


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